HomeHealthHow Do Robotic Surgeries Benefit Women’s Health?

How Do Robotic Surgeries Benefit Women’s Health?

Issues regarding your reproductive system can affect your daily habits and overall health. While you can seek medications, sometimes Robotic Surgeries might be the best option. You can undergo robotic and minimally invasive surgery in Miami to treat various reproductive problems, including infection and heavy periods, and receive Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) to help you through recovery.

What conditions can robotic and minimally invasive surgery address?

The following are common conditions that can affect your reproductive system.


Endometriosis is a condition in which the cells that form the lining of the uterine wall grow on other structures or organs besides the uterus. Since the endometrium sheds once a month, the cells will also shed despite where they grow, which can lead to internal bleeding. Common symptoms include pain and irregular menstruation robotic surgeries.

Heavy periods

Heavy periods (menorrhagia) that affect your physical or emotional well-being are not normal. Normal periods should last about five days and not leave you feeling exhausted. You should seek medical attention if you experience symptoms like passing large clots during menstruation, bleeding between cycles, and bleeding longer than eight days.


Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that develop in your uterus. There are different types of fibroids depending on where they are located, and the most common develop within the uterine muscular wall. Although rare, they can also develop on the cervix. While you might not show symptoms of such growths, they might cause symptoms such as pelvic pain and heavy periods. Other symptoms include pressure or fullness in your abdomen and pain during sex.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

If you have an infection in one or more organs in your reproductive organs, you might have pelvic inflammatory disease. Common infections include chlamydia and gonorrhea, which are sexually transmitted. If you have PID, you can have symptoms such as a burning sensation when urinating, painful sex, fever, and unusual discharge with odor from your vagina.

Procedures that use robotic and minimally invasive surgery for women’s health

The following are different types of minimally invasive surgeries:

Robotic hysterectomy

Your doctor might recommend a robotic hysterectomy if you have uterine tumors or fibroids. Another reason that might require you to have the procedure done is abnormally heavy periods that put you at risk of anemia, affecting your quality of life. Depending on your condition, they might suggest a partial robotic hysterectomy or a total hysterectomy.

Robotic myomectomy

If you are of childbearing age and want to have children later, your specialist can recommend a robotic myomectomy. The procedure seeks to remove fibroids while preserving your uterus. If you are younger and have the treatment, the fibroids are more likely to re-occur than if you are approaching menopause. It is important to understand that the procedure is effective for small fibroids. If they are larger or deeply located, you might need an abdominal myomectomy or an open robotic surgeries.

Pelvic and vaginal reconstruction

If you have pelvic disorders that affect your sexual function, your specialist can recommend pelvic and vaginal reconstruction to improve conditions like urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

If you have any conditions affecting your reproductive organs, visit The Miami Institute for Women’s Health for treatment. The available doctor and team will evaluate your situation and offer the best robotic and minimally invasive surgery. Call or schedule your appointment online and improve your reproductive health. 

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