HomeHealthGuidelines to Care for Your Dental Crowns

Guidelines to Care for Your Dental Crowns

Having a damaged tooth is one of the worst experiences. A broken tooth usually impairs your perfect smile, lowering your confidence. Worst, you will experience increased sensitivity when eating hot or cold meals. This sensitivity will hinder you from enjoying your favorite meals. Thanks to modern dentistry, you can lean on different treatments, such as Dental crowns, to restore damaged teeth. Taking care of these restoration devices will help you continue reaping their benefits for a long time. Below are essential tips to help you care for dental crowns after treatments.

Observe Oral Hygiene Measures

You may think the at-home oral care practices are unnecessary after getting the Dental Crowns, but you are mistaken. Even if the crown covers the entire root surface, you can still develop cavities under the crown. It would help if you, therefore, brushed your teeth at least twice daily to alleviate the sticky plaque film on your teeth and crowns. Flossing your teeth once is also recommended to remove food particles in teeth areas that toothbrushes cannot reach.

Eat Mindfully

After crown treatments, you should make adjustments to whatever you eat. Notably, hard meals like candies can crack your crown, reducing their longevity. Sticky foods like corn syrup can loosen the crowns interfering with their success. It would be best to reduce the intake of those meals for the crowns to serve the intended purpose effectively. Limiting the consumption of staining beverages like coffee will also help maintain crowns’ brilliant appearance.

Avoid Bad Habits

Do you open the bottle caps with your teeth? Do you bite your nails? If you answer yes to those questions, it is time to avoid those habits. These habits will chip your teeth and crack your newly installed crowns. Worst, the hard objects can get lodged in your gums, causing pain. If you have been trying to quit these habits without bearing fruits, you should double down this time.

Treat Bruxism

Individuals who suffer from bruxism are at greater risk of dental concerns. Teeth grinding causes pressure on teeth. Over time, this pressure will make your teeth and crowns break. While you can control teeth clenching when awake, it is not always easy at night. Therefore you should seek the necessary treatment for bruxism. Your specialist will recommend the night guard to safeguard your teeth and crown.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

How often do you visit your dentist? As a golden rule, you should see your dentist at least once every six months. The dentist conducts dental cleaning through regular visits to alleviate plaque buildup. Also, the dentist checks whether your crowns are in good shape through these appointments. If the crowns are loose, your dentist will help adjust and fix them in the desired position.

Are you living with a broken tooth? If yes, you can attest that this dental concern is debilitating. Fortunately, you can restore your perfect smile and dental functionality through a protective cap. After getting the dental crowns, embracing the care guidelines is essential to continue reaping full benefits. For example, you should brush and floss your teeth often to avoid cavities beneath a protective cap. Also, it would help if you quit bad habits like biting your nails. Importantly, you should make regular appointments with your dentist to ensure your crowns are in good condition.

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