HomeHealth5 Warning Signs Of Peripheral Artery Disease You Should Not Dismiss

5 Warning Signs Of Peripheral Artery Disease You Should Not Dismiss

Peripheral artery disease, also known as PAD, affects millions of American adults. This condition results from a blockage in the arteries that causes disrupted blood flow to your lower extremities, including the feet and legs. As with clogged vein arteries, Plano peripheral artery disease could heighten your risk of cardiac illness, heart attacks, and even strokes. Since most of these complications are life-threatening, specialists advise patients to seek care immediately if they spot warning signs of PAD. Your doctor will not only accurately diagnose your concern, but can also help manage the issue. Here are the warning signs you should watch out for.

1. Mild to Serious Leg Pain

Physical activity like climbing stairs or walking requires heightened blood supply to your legs. Unfortunately, for PAD patients, constricted arteries make these simple activities challenging.

Weakness, numbness, and discomfort in the thighs, hips, or calves that disappear after several minutes of rest are among the prevalent signs of PAD patients report. In advanced or serious cases, discomfort might develop when lying down, but often, just raising your feet could help ease the discomfort

2. Changes In The Look Of Your Legs

Before you start experiencing discomfort, there are other noticeable changes in the look of one’s legs. In some instances, you might notice hair thinning or disappearing on the legs, the skin becoming shiny, and the slow development of toenails.

The color of one or both legs might also change, adopting a bluish tinge. Besides, your legs might feel colder than other body parts, such as the arms, because of reduced blood flow.

3. Slow-Healing Leg Sores

Fighting infections and healing wounds requires a healthy blood supply. As such, doctors should closely monitor leg injuries in persons susceptible to PAD. In severe cases, a neglected wound could develop an infection, causing soft tissue death, and ultimately requiring amputation. Painful black, gray, or dry sores could signal serious peripheral artery disease or another issue that requires immediate medical attention.

4. Weak Pulse In The Feet and Legs

A specialist can help diagnose PAD by checking the pulse in your legs and feet. Constricted arteries and reduced blood circulation imply that the pulse will probably be weaker than in other upper body areas, like the wrist. Besides using the hand to check pulse, doctors can also use a test that checks leg blood pressure, referred to as ankle-brachial index (ABI).

5. Symptoms That Appear or Worsen When Taking Allergy or Cold Medication

Most over-the-counter allergy and cold medications, including Advil, Claritin-D, Sudafed, and more, contain pseudoephedrine. This substance constricts the blood vessels and lets less fluid enter the throat, nose, and sinuses. This constriction could worsen other PAD symptoms by constricting the arteries, which are already blocked with fat, which narrows the room for blood circulation.

It is extremely vital to consult a specialist if you suffer leg pain or any other symptom highlighted above. Overlooking these signs could result in a heightened risk of cardiovascular illnesses, and other life-threatening conditions. By seeing a doctor for a professional diagnosis, these common PAD symptoms are readily reversible with medications and several lifestyle changes like exercising, quitting smoking, weight loss, and more. Based on the severity of your condition, some typical procedures your doctor may recommend include atherectomy, stents, and balloon angioplasty.

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